Yes, changing the shaft of a golf club can affect how high a golf ball is hit. The shaft of a golf club plays a crucial role in determining the trajectory and distance of a golf ball. The flex, weight, and length of the shaft can all impact the launch angle and spin rate of the ball, which ultimately affects how high or low it travels.

A stiffer shaft will generally produce a lower ball flight, while a more flexible shaft will produce a higher ball flight. This is because a stiffer shaft requires more force to bend, which results in less energy being transferred to the ball at impact. Conversely, a more flexible shaft will bend more easily, allowing for more energy transfer and a higher launch angle.

The weight of the shaft can also affect the trajectory of the ball. A heavier shaft will generally produce a lower ball flight, while a lighter shaft will produce a higher ball flight. This is because a heavier shaft requires more force to swing, resulting in less clubhead speed and less loft at impact. A lighter shaft requires less force to swing, resulting in more clubhead speed and more loft at impact.

Finally, the length of the shaft can also impact how high a golf ball is hit. A longer shaft will generally produce a higher ball flight, while a shorter shaft will produce a lower ball flight. This is because a longer shaft allows for more time for the clubhead to accelerate, resulting in more clubhead speed and more loft at impact. A shorter shaft allows for less time for acceleration, resulting in less clubhead speed and less loft at impact.

It’s important to note that changing the shaft alone may not be enough to significantly alter your ball flight. Other factors such as swing mechanics, clubhead design, and ball selection can also play a role in determining how high or low your shots travel.

The most important element in scoring and enjoying the game is consistently hitting high quality shots. If you club is too light of too heavy your shots will be inconsistent and your scores will suffer as a result.